Our Mission:
“We exist to glorify God by making mature disciples of Jesus Christ.”
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” Colossians 1:28
Our vision:
Our vision is tied together with our values. Listed below are four key disciple-making values of our church. It is our vision that every member of our church would be actively involved in pursuing these values.
1. Worship: Giving oneself wholeheartedly to God in heart, soul, and mind.
2. Missions: Striving to use one’s time, talents, and spiritual gifts to proclaim the gospel to all peoples.
3. Community: Building relationships united in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
4. Equipping: Investing one’s time and energy in biblical training and Christian worldview education.
When all four values are cultivated and pursued, we believe spiritual maturity will follow and Christ will be glorified. Therefore, we seek to create opportunities and environments where all four values can be experienced and enjoyed. Explained below is our process for accomplishing that mission.
Our Structure:
Our church ministry structure is organized around our four key values. Out of each value flow our specific ministries that contribute to the overall mission of making mature disciples.
Like our key values, our church ministries are also interrelated and interdependent. We believe people need to be involved in all four areas of ministry if they intend to become mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we encourage our folks to get plugged into the following four areas:
Worship: Sunday Morning and Evening
During our Sunday meetings we believe that the expositional preaching (book by book) is the building block of growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. This means the vast majority of preaching will be verse by verse, to show you what the whole Bible teaches and how it relates to Jesus.
Missions: Throughout the year we plan a variety of outreach events and short-term mission trips to reach people with gospel. We also encourage our people to develop on-going relationships with folks in the community with the hope of sharing the good news of Christ with them.
Community: The primary way we build relationships and experience biblical community in our church is through our centralized small groups, what we call Sunday School. Every week, people gather together on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. to experience life-changing Bible study, fellowship with other believers, and biblical care within a small group context. For more information about what group might be best for you, check out our rack card on Sunday School found in our guest packet.
Equipping: At different times throughout the week we have specific Bible studies and training that will equip you in the various areas of the Christian life. These areas may include our children and student ministries; in-depth Bible studies and personal discipleship; music and women’s and men’s ministries.